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What Makes the Ideal Home Design?

What Makes the Ideal Home Design

There’s a lot to consider when designing new home. But, it’s also a very personal thing. Every family will have different ideas about what the perfect home looks like. Then, of course, you’ll need to consider your budget, but aside from that, the options are endless.

Here are a few tips on designing your ideal home to help with some of the basics that everyone should consider.

Take Advantage of the Sun

The sun is a wonderful thing. It gives us warmth, light, and of course, solar energy if you choose to go that way. Therefore, careful consideration should be given to the block you’re building and how best to position your home for maximum sun benefit when designing your home.

The general rule is to have your main living areas facing north. North or northeast facing properties are considered the most desirable because they are exposed to the most direct sunlight throughout the day, especially in winter when the sun is at its lowest. In an urban area where sunlight is at a premium, this can make a world of difference by providing both natural light and warmth. Overall, taking advantage of sunlight in a home can impact your energy bill for the better since you won’t rely as much on heating during the day.

Give Everyone Their Space

Everyone needs their own space, so take this into account when designing your home. This may also depend on your family’s stage of life; however, try to think long term. Plan the various zones (parents, kids and central living areas) of your home to suit your family and try to future proof your home design as best you can. For example, when children are much smaller, you may feel safer if their rooms are next to yours. As they get older, though, perhaps you want some more privacy with your bedroom away from other family members in its wing of the house..

Noise also plays a part here. If you spend a lot of time in the living room watching TV, you may not want the bedrooms right next to it. All families will be different but try to think long term and design a layout that will suit your lifestyle now and for years to come. Master builders like Stonewood Homes was an extensive range of house plans with various layouts for families at every stage that perfectly suit the Kiwi lifestyle. Stonewood Homes also custom build homes to you’re your preferences and your land.

Consider Insulation and Sound Absorption

The best time to sort out the insulation in your home is while building. All of your floor, wall and roof cavities are exposed during the building process so that you can install insulation easily. This becomes a much more difficult prospect once the home is built.

So, when designing your home, ensure you consider insulating all walls, both internal and external. But the layout of your home can also help with insulation. For example, if you live in a colder climate, open plan designs may not be best. While it looks great, it does mean you can’t shut off sections of the home and keep your most-used areas warm. So instead, consider how you can best trap heat where you want it.

Consider Child Safety in Your Home Design

Even if it’s your first home and you don’t have children, it’s worth considering safety if children are in your plans. Of course, you can install necessary gates and other things around the home once children are born, but in the meantime, try to consider safety from a home design point of view.

It may be having outdoor play areas close to the room you’d spend time in during the day. That way, you can always see the kids. Even things like having a bathroom and toilet near the smaller bedrooms, so children don’t have far to go during the night. Whatever child safety looks like for you, make it part of your house design.

Our expert team of new home consultants are ready to help you create the home you deserve! For further help designing and building your ideal home, contact us at Stonewood today and see how we can help.

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