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5 Easy Steps to Spring Clean Your Home


Spring is finally here! And you know what that means, Spring Cleaning! Yep, as much as we all love the beauty that Spring brings, it does mean that we have to get our hands dirty and start cleaning. Here’s an easy 5 step guide for you to master the art of giving your home a thorough cleaning for the season.

1. Make a Checklist

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The start to everything is a well thought out plan, so take a piece of paper and a pen and go from room to room inspecting and noting down what and where needs to be cleaned. Create two columns, one which has the specific task ‘Clean bathroom’ for example, and the other write what needs to be done (such as mop the floor, scrub the bathtub…etc). This way you reduce the time spent on speculating what to do.

2. Get All Materials Together

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Before you rage your war against dust, clutter and mould, you need to get your battle armour ready. Head over to your storage and find out if you have all the cleaning materials required to do your jobs.

3. Throw Things Out

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Let it go. Filling up your beautiful home with clutter is not only taking up valuable space but according to a study by the University of New Mexico, clutter actually has the power to compromise your perception of home and ultimately your satisfaction with your life.  But before you pick up that garbage bag, go through each of these points,

  • Is it wasting space? If yes, it needs to go
  • Can it be donated? One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure. If yes to this question, keep the items in a separate area with similar items to give it away to places like the Auckland City Mission.
  • You need it, but don’t want to let it go? The only way to deal with such items is to place them in a box with similar stuff and keep it aside. Some house designs such as those by Stonewood Homes, come with strategically built-in storage spaces (like the one) below that prevents the rest of your home from becoming cluttered. You can see many of Stonewood Homes’ storage solutions by stepping into one of our show homes in NZ.
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4. Let’s Clean!

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Onward to battle! Enter each room with your carefully thought out checklist and tackle each action point. Now, here’s the most important thing to note, the secret to a successful clean-up is to stay in the room until it is finished being cleaned without going to other spaces. If you keep moving, you’re more likely to get exhausted and give up.

Stay focused, you’re almost at the finish line!

5. Get Organized

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Remember that box filled with stuff you didn’t know what to do with? Well, now is the final step to tackle it. Go through each item asking yourself the below questions,

  • Have I used this in the past year?
  • Will I use it next year?
  • Would I buy this again, if I was shopping right now?
  • If it is broken, is it worth the money and time to get it fixed?
  • Is it worth taking this if I moved?

After this stage, you’re done, congratulations! Now make yourself a cup of tea, kick your feet up and enjoy the beauty of Spring in your clean, sparkling home!

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